The first submitted manuscript is checked by the Editor Team to find the format (compatibility with the given template and scope) and identification of plagiarism to ensure that the plagiarism result is less than 25%. In Identifying accepted plagiarism the manuscripts, the Editor Team uses Turnitin.

Journal BETAHPA : Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian  uses a Double Blind Peer Review review, which involves anonymous submission of manuscripts to 2 or more reviewers. In addition, the results of the review are also sent anonymously to the relevant authors to take the necessary actions and responses. The editorial team handling the manuscript will also examine comments that reveal the identity of the reviewer before submitting a review to the author. Then, the Editor Team is expected to evaluate the revised manuscript and make a decision by considering the reviewer's recommendations, among several possibilities such as: requiring major or minor revisions, being rejected, or accepted. Meanwhile, the Editorial Team of Journal BETAHPA : Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanianhas the right to decide which manuscripts should be published in which journals should be published and provide the page number of the manuscript and in which issue the article is placed.