
  • Willy Wijayanti Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam
  • Syerina Raihatul Jannah


cutlery, colony count, washing, sanitary utensils


Cleanliness of cutlery is one of the important aspects of food hygiene and sanitation. Unsanitary handling of cutlery caused bacterial contamination in food that can multiply into diseases in the body. Washing is an effective way to maintain sanitation and prevent the growth of bacteria. This research aimed to determine the effect of several washing methods on the number of bacterial colonies found in the glass bottle using TPC method. This research used a descriptive method, with treatments of unwashed, washed, and washing with detergent. The results of the study showed that washing reduced the number of bacterial colonies, but not yet according to standards. According to the Minister of Health Regulation, the standard number of colonies on cutlery is 0 colonies/cm2, while the number of colonies based on the research results is unwashed 296 colonies/cm2, washed 152 colonies/cm2, washed with detergent 26 colonies/cm2 on NA media, and unwashed 124 colonies/cm2, washed 74 colonies/cm2, washed with detergent 24 colonies/cm2 on PDA media. Based on these results, washing with detergent is the most effective method because it has the smallest number of colonies.


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How to Cite

Wijayanti, W., & Jannah, S. R. (2024). PENGARUH METODE PENCUCIAN TERHADAP KONDISI BAKTERIOLOGIS BOTOL KACA. Jurnal BETAHPA, 3(1 Juni), 8–12. Retrieved from