South Sumatra LRT, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Load factor, Differentiation strategy, Effective promotionAbstract
This research examines the phenomenon of increasing the number of South Sumatra LRT users through a differentiation strategy based on Transit Oriented Development (TOD). Using a qualitative descriptive approach, this research explores the TOD concept implemented by South Sumatra LRT managers in Palembang City. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation from January to October 2023. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of TOD has increased the load factor of the South Sumatra LRT, although it still faces several challenges such as overlapping stakeholder interests and a lack of effective promotion. This research method involves preliminary observations to understand the context of the South Sumatra LRT, followed by field research to obtain more in-depth data. Informants were selected purposively based on their expertise and relevance to the research topic. Data were analyzed through triangulation of sources and theories to ensure the validity of the results. The results of the analysis show that the TOD-based differentiation strategy has a positive impact on the South Sumatra LRT load factor, especially through infrastructure development and effective promotion. This research concludes that a TOD-based differentiation strategy can be an effective model for increasing the use of mass transportation services such as the South Sumatra LRT. By involving collaboration between the government and the private sector, as well as improving facilities and promotions, the South Sumatra LRT can become a transportation alternative that is more popular with the public. However, further steps are needed to overcome the challenges still being faced, such as overlapping stakeholder interests and the use of private transportation.
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